La thérapie laser dans votre pratique vétérinaire
Webinaires et Formations
Participez à notre série de webinaires dédiés à la pratique de la thérapie laser en médecine vétérinaire !
Vétérinaires intervenants :
Par le Dr. Ron Riegel, DVM | Co-Fondateur de l'American Institute for Medical Laser Applications (AIMLA), auteur du livre Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine.
Review of what laser therapy provides.
- Understanding the versatility of laser therapy within your practice
- Practice review and evaluation
- Does everyone in the practice understand laser therapy?
- Pricing laser therapy
- Current marketing strategies
- Proven Marketing Techniques
- You prescribe it!!
- Techniques to measure your integration progress
- “Kick start” Techniques
Presented by Dr Ron RIEGEL | DVM Co-founder the American Institute of Medical Laser Applications in 2009 to provide education on all types of medical lasers in both veterinary medicine and other healthcare professions. Author of more than a dozen papers and books on equine anatomy and both equine and companion animal therapy modalities. He was co-editor of the textbook: Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine – Photobiomodulation.
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